Water Patterns #2, more tropical waters images...
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Friday, April 29, 2022
When we arrived here in early November, I often took photos while riding in a taxi or a bus with my iPhone, a refurbished iPhone SE. I hopped on Robinson's "Free Bus" ride to their Galleria Mall yesterday, and I clicked off these shots. It ended up being an election (May 9th) campaign shoot with all of the posters, even the old guy in his green campaign shirt: "Richard Yap" for Congressman. I liked all of the colors in his belongings, and I especially liked how he rigged up a kind of horn system on his cart.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
I've always liked downtown buildings. These were in my FB Memories this morning, from this date 7 years ago, April 28, 2015. "I often go downtown (Seattle) early Sunday mornings to take photos of the buildings. I like the lines, the colors, the shadows, the reflections of other buildings in the windows..."
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Sunday, April 24, 2022
I walked down to the new Sto. Nino Chapel and Park yesterday. I thought the 30 ft Sto. Nino figure on top would be the highlight, but I was surprised by the chapel building and architecture. The curves of white painted concrete and the metal screens with their diamond shaped openings were wonderful! The chapel was closed but the screens were like the glass surfaces I like to photograph on downtown buildings. They were like "layers" in your view. You could see through them, or focus in such a way that they merged with the façade... Like!