7Dec2022 - crlazlo meanderings 2 is now 2.1 - I will continue to use it as a preview/workspace for my FB posts, but I will also start organizing the many photos from my retirement years, and also start a journal/memories thing. That's the plan anyway.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Even though I took my cameras yesterday, I told myself before I got on my bicycle "Today, I am going to Ride my bicycle. I am not going to be stopping all of the time to take photos!"
Success! My post today is mostly words, and probably too many.
My original plan was to ride out towards Woodinville along the Sammamish River, and I was thinking "maybe I'll see some of those hot air balloons." Nope. I forgot about Covid. Most things have been shut down.
Getting out on my bike, especially on a nice Spring day, has the same kind of transition that I experience in my walking and even my meditations. The first however many minutes, often 10 minutes or so, my mind is charging all over the place. Mostly useless thoughts popping into my mind, one after the other, and slowly dissipating. And then I find myself just walking, breathing, pedaling... It's nice.
When I did pull out one of my cameras, the battery was kaput! A signal? I took out another camera, and because I had been day-dreaming about the old Schwinn I had when I was 10/11? I took some shots of my bicycle. I was probably younger than 10/11. Memories like that are sort of like mirages.
Walking, or biking, I like to get out there early, especially on weekend days when "worker bees" show up. On Saturdays or Sundays, I like to be out as early as 7:30. Weekdays can be a more relaxed 8-830am if I want. Yesterday, for whatever reason, I didn't get out onto the bike trail until 9am or so. With the Opening-Up in WA state here going on, by the time I was heading back to Bothell, Everyone was out there. Actually, it was Really nice... So Many smiling faces, adults and children, pets with wagging tails. I think the word is Joyeous! It felt good.
Who knows what this new world is going to look like after Covid runs rough shod over us? But I hope some of the "community" vibes and taking care of each other continues.
There is so much pain and suffering right now, I feel guilty sometimes. Overall, we are doing ok. But... I wasn't going to share this. You know the saying "someone close to you..." Our 95yo Mom (she will be 96 in November) was diagnosed with Covid. I'm the oldest of 8 kids, and Mom worked so hard taking care of all of us. Today is Mothers Day, yes? Mom is doing ok, mostly Asymptomatic, breathing comfortably, but a little perplexed about her change in surroundings. Her temps have been a small issue, but not over 90.4 as of Friday.
On to a lighter moment from my bike ride. You know how you'll be sitting in your car at a stop light, and a guy on his Harley rolls up beside you with his motorcycle radio blaring. I've always just sort of been amused, and of course I always checked out the amazing H Davidson. I stopped during my bike ride yesterday to take a sip of water, and another bicyclist rode by with a bicycle radio playing music. Sort of weird I thought, but it was nice music...

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