7Dec2022 - crlazlo meanderings 2 is now 2.1 - I will continue to use it as a preview/workspace for my FB posts, but I will also start organizing the many photos from my retirement years, and also start a journal/memories thing. That's the plan anyway.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

I'm always surprised at how much I enjoy riding my bicycle after extended periods of Not riding...the wind in my face, and the smooth gliding along with the wheels on the paths. Even the rougher rides like when I explore the hiking trails on the south side of the our "meadow" walk (*earlier post, above the old golf course). This morning I covered what would have been 4 or 5 different "walk" routes in one bicycle ride. 5.9 miles in 1 hr and 4 minutes, including photo stops and an energy bar: 1 - I crossed the bridge and rode south down towards Blyth Park, 2 - turned back N and looped back to the Sammamish River Park parking lot and headed out towards Woodinville, 3 - cut East at the path going to UW Bothell Campus , and 4 rode back W along Beardslee Blvd and Bothell Wy NE to home.
One trade-off is that I don't take photos.
I did take this photo though. The first one is a crop of the landscape one. The landscape one is what happens when you try to make a temporary lens cap and it ends up smudging your lens. Dumb dumb. It looks like what I'm seeing with my right eye now. I did get my first shot on Tuesday, and I'm optimistic

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