7Dec2022 - crlazlo meanderings 2 is now 2.1 - I will continue to use it as a preview/workspace for my FB posts, but I will also start organizing the many photos from my retirement years, and also start a journal/memories thing. That's the plan anyway.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Same building photo in Georgetown (4Jul), and two months later (10Sep),  but a little later in the morning, after a Red paint job and with a rising sun. The only editing with the Red one was some Cropping.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

I agree with the Hillary's Deplorables comment. I have personal experience with how a few former friends have used the Donald as an excuse to express there own racist and sexist inclinations. Sad. From an editorial by Syndicated columnist Dick Meyer in this morning's Times:
"Like no other presidential candidate, Trump has poured gasoline on the fears of many Americans — fears about terrorism, immigrants, the changing look of America, crime, globalization and making ends meet.
At a much more fragile moment, after 9/11, Americans broadly, if imperfectly, resisted these kinds of fears and thoroughly rejected the dark populist fear-mongering that is Trump’s specialty.
There could be no more fitting and noble commemoration of the 15th anniversary of 9/11 than for Americans to reject Donald Trump — decisively and proudly."
These are a few shots from my photowalk yesterday morning. The past five months have been a blur, and most of the photos I've been posting lately have been pulled from my April-July folders:

Friday, September 9, 2016

This is under I-5 where it crosses over the Green River just north of Southcenter. If you look up at the screened off area between the North and South lanes, there's an interesting collection of car parts and stuff...

Monday, September 5, 2016

the Green River in Kent, on a bright, sunny, July day...