7Dec2022 - crlazlo meanderings 2 is now 2.1 - I will continue to use it as a preview/workspace for my FB posts, but I will also start organizing the many photos from my retirement years, and also start a journal/memories thing. That's the plan anyway.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Georgetown #4: one routine I enjoy a lot is my second walk of the day, when I load my photos into the computer and go through my walk again.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

I've always loved walking in Georgetown, with it's old buildings, bars and graffiti. Now, with Covid 19 and so many things shut down, it's still Georgetown, but...

I saw this photo in today's news brief on my laptop, and I thought about my "Dennis Hopper" painting. Acrylic, painted in the early 70s. I have no idea where it is now. Hopefully someone has it hanging up in their home somewhere.
It's from one of the last scenes in "Easy Rider", where Peter Fonda takes off his jacket and puts it under Hopper's head. The second photo was taken in Mike and Pat's apartment in the Fremont/Ballard area, in the mid 70s?, JR on the left and me with the hat. The third photo is the original drawing I used, with little spots of different colored paint. And the last one was a Paint app thing I played with some years back. I am curious where that painting disappeared to...

Friday, May 29, 2020

cell phone photos part 2:
I took a bunch of test photos yesterday, and I just edited more of them. Actually, I edited very little. The clarity and colors surprised me. I did no framing when I was shooting, no pinching of the image on my phone screen to zoom in, etc. I remember wondering if I will be able to zoom in closer when I download them from iCloud. No problem. I will share more in the next few days.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

I had some business in the south end this morning, so I stopped by Georgetown for a mini photoshoot. I only had my cell phone, an iPhone SE, and I was surprised when I downloaded this photo just now. Just cropped a little, nothing else. It was awkward for me trying to hold a cell phone and shoot pictures, especially after so many years with regular cameras, but I think I will try it more often...

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

I posted this first photo on FB last December. I didn't notice something back then, about that gray sign? next to the blue recycling bin. After I took those rain shots on Monday, I walked back through my favorite alley in Bothell. I like the red dress lady with horse mural. It pays to look closer. I think it's a stencil kind of thing? It was raining, and I didn't look at the material close enough, but it was hard, and about a half inch thick. ps - we've been here for nearly a year, and we have yet to check out Hana Sushi.

Monday, May 25, 2020

I have photos in my earlier blogs from when I did photo shoots in the rain. It was difficult holding my umbrella in the crook of my left arm then, and trying to aim and click the shutter with my right hand. I did get some nice puddle shots though. This morning I left for my walk around 6:45, and I forgot that I only had two pieces of toast and some coffee since getting up at 2:30. My stomach reminded me of this, and I decided to just walk up to the overpass across Bothell Way and back home through our little downtown area. I had my little digital camera, and shot a few raindrop patterns shots in the river, below the bridge...

Tall grass, with a small breeze on a sunny morning. I'm guessing that this foliage? isn't just "tall grass". Some of it was knee high. Anyone know what it's called?

Sunday, May 24, 2020

I saw this glove on the ground this morning when I was walking in Bellevue. I was reminded of a good friend of mine a long time ago who decided to "rescue" lost gloves. He had this collection of gloves. Sometimes he would pull over his car if he saw one in the street. My friend's name was Jim Colbert, an artist from Boulder, Colorado. Another friend wrote a poem about his gloves recues. I wonder if she still has a copy. If I remember right, the one I saw was mimeographed, with that light purple ink that looks like it's fading away.

I love trees, but flowers are nice too...